Santos Family

About the book - Introduction

"A meaningful lesson…"

"On January 18, 2002, life changed forever for me and my family; our second son Artur Santos was born in Petrolina Pernambuco with a very rare disease. After several days of hir birth, nobody knew what was affecting my baby. With great effort he was diagnosed after 31 days of his life and the only way to keep him alive was feeding him with a very expensive formula imported from the USA".

A Sweet Odyssey is a story of love, faith, life learning and courage. Artur was sick, so sick at one point doctors began to think he was going blind and deaf. Then, they thought he was destined to live his life in a wheelchair. But they truthfully didn’t know what was wrong with our son. Some doctors and friends encouraged us to let our sick son go, but the Santos family stayed strong and never gave up.

In this book I narrate all difficulties that I and my family faced. Inspiration is a great reason for you to read Sweet Odyssey. I invite you to travel on this amazing odyssey between two wonderful countries with different languages and habits.

Reading Sweet Odyssey you will be encouraged to promote goodness. When sharing this story with others, you will be helping kids from all over the world.

50% of the proceeds from all sales benefits the Clinic for Special Children

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Before buying, take a look at some chapters and pages of the book Sweet Odyssey by Idario and Vinicius Santos.

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Clinic for Special Children


All over the world, children are dying from genetic diseases, due to the lack of a newborn screening program and proper treatment. Our mission is...

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